Sunday, October 19, 2008


It's things like this that make me have that panic-like feeling when I sit down to do a test or midterm. These sort of things that I do instead of properly preparing my self for examination. The sort of things that make my large quantities of money, that has been spent of my education, go down the drain. Maybe after typing this out rather then just thinking it in my head, I will actually get motivated enough to keep learning about bits of the brain; what they do and where they sit in our little held-high skulls.
The recent change of music, to some more familiar music, seems to be helping my attention span. I think that I should get back to work, but not until after noting the reason for creating one of these. For one I need to practice writing. Secondly, I want to see if anyone actually reads this stuff. Third, I want a place to get thoughts out. Sound good? Yes.

1 comment:

JDoiron said...

Procrastination sucks. I hate it. Hope you can work through it (: