Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fire storm from the Fifth-Dimension.

Well I do have to agree with every report on the past weekend = Success.

Despite the drama, the yelling, the jealousy, the break-ups, the stress and the druken idiots, the good moments cancel out the bad. Or should I say they made the bad parts worth it. Or maybe the bad parts made the good parts all worthwild?

Whatever way you please, I thought I will highlight some of the funnest moments, in my opinion. Yes, I know it's only been two days, but I can still open a can of Nostalgia if I want. Besides two months from now I can re-read this and smile.
Kinda like a diary, but without hearts scrawled in the corners.

Aw what the hell.

<3 Best performance: Julie Dorion by far. It was her best performance I have ever seen, live or recorded.
<3 Best set list: I'm stuck between The Burning Hell and Eric's Trip. Leaning towards The Burning Hell though.
<3 Best quote: "It's like the premature ejaculation of cigarette smoking."
<3 Best stunt: BA crowd surfing in a tube withe the Mario Bros theme playing.
<3 Best hilarious moment: Baby. Glass tube. Need I say more?
<3 Best WFT moment: Waking up on Monday with a party hat still on my head.
<3 Best BAWWW moment: Making Fred giggle by screaming "Fred have my babies!" during Julie Doiron's set.
<3 Best group moment: Drunkenly running down Lorne St singing Mind Crumb at the top of our lungs.
<3 Best sincere moment: Talking to BA on the George's porch and him introducing himself to us as Christian.
<3 Best disguisting moment: Lisa eating burnt popcorn off of the 25BS floor. After I had picked it up with my toes. And put it on her toes. So that she could feed herself. With her toes.
<3 Best "Sense this make zero" moment: Watching Mission Impossible with the guys from Attack in Black. On the History channel. Seriously.
<3 Best sexy moment (kinda?): Having a chat with Spencer through the 25BS back hall window. While the was wearing nothing but his breifs.
<3 Best "Oh yeah, we went there" moment: Attack in Black + Super Power Rings + Saving the Day = MECHA JIMMY.
<3 Best embarassing moment: Having Jimmy come into the apartment while we were listening to his album.
<3 Best food related moment: Eating half a watermelon with spoons. Actually the tasty everything breakfast nachos were pretty awesome too. And the breakfast at Vanessa's. I love food.
<3 Best best moment: Being able to hear Calm Down It's Monday's set while napping in my apartment.
<3 Best Neil Bonner moment: Neil drinking most of the pitcher at George's and CHRIS out of all people saying "Oh fuck, Neil is drunk".
<3 Best "Maria is a jerk" moment: Ninja throwing whatever it was I threw at Neil for making fun of me playing WoW.
<3 Best cute moment: Meeting Stephane's girlfriend Ingrid. She was just too cute.
<3 Best purchase of the weekend: Freuermusik's cd. Since they have no lyrics in their music, the cd booklet was the score to the lead melodies. Brilliant.

That's all I got for now. Feel free to post your own additions :)
Oh yeah, this post is totally all about Sappyfest.


Blanco said...

I don't know how to classify this moment...

Seeing Gambletron miserable failing on stage. They took 20min to do their sound check. The sound guy was like "I don't know what you guys want." subtley implying "I don't think you guys know either". The stage was too crowded with their stuff. One of stands almost fell into the crowd but it was caught. One of the girls on stage almost tripped on some cords. Half way through they just gave up and went to pet the dog that was in the crowd. It was so awkward to watch... like a trainwreck that you can't stop.

On the bright side, one of the girls played in Clues and they were pretty good.

Blanco said...

I've been wanting to post something on my blog also but I've been lazy.

Harley_Quinn said...

Bahahaha was that during the show at the Vogue?
I heard faint rumors of that but really didn't want to have to hear the whole story because it seemed super depressing. That sounds kinda hilarious though.
I bet Fred was working osund too and was just like FUCKKK.
In the long run though that delay from their sound check and setting up fail made it so that Calvin/Destroyer show and Timber/Timbre were at the same time which ended up being a good thing because it spread the crowd. Otherwise both the venues would have been in riots because of the lack of seating.
And yes, I really liked Clues. I met two of the girls and they were super nice.
And you should post something, I mean might as well. WHat else are you going to do? Work? Pffft.
I'm sad for you that you didn't get to come to the George's show :(

Blanco said...

Yeah my phone was dead so I only got Neil's text monday night at home.

Neil Young covers... shiiiiii....

Blanco said...

Also who's phone was Neil texting me with?

I checked the number online and got this...

Convenience Stores in Saint-Sauveur, QC .


Harley_Quinn said...

No clue. May have been Laurens though. (She's from NS though).

And yeah, we were like FUCK WHERE IS NICK. But we were way too drunk to actually anything about it.

Sarah said...


Harley_Quinn said...


Chris Weaver said...


It might have been my phone but I really don't know. He was texting random people with my phone from George's.

Harley_Quinn said...

Who was texting random people?