Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.... Or the one.... I have been and forever shall be, your friend.
Oh Star Trek, you will always be my friend. I was about to watch 'Control', but noticed that In Search of Spock, and figured it was a more appropriate movie to watch at the current time. I was planning on starting my Star Trekkin' spree on the weekend, but this will be a nice warm up. I still need to finish up my Vulcan robes for the movie showing and get some dermal wax for my ears, for the movie showing. SO excited. Got my ticket today, along with my Wolverine ticket (which will be the topic of my next blog).
Anyways, the only real point I had for this blog was a concern that arose while I was watching STIII. When Saavik and Dr. M are taking the readings of the Genesis, they read the temperatures of the various sectors in degrees Celsius. Now, I really don't think that in the well developed, science oriented, multi-planetary future, Celsius would be the main unit of temperature measurement. Considering of course that freezing point is consistent everywhere in the universe, some sort of unit that has the same mathematical patterns to Kelvins would probably have been made on each planet. Now why wouldn't they be reading the temperatures in Kelvins? It's the most easily convertible, usable and conceptual unit of temperature measurement. Seriously, they should be using Kelvins. That's all I have to say about that.
Man, the captain of the Excelsior is a pompous jerk. He reminds me of the duke in Moulin Rouge.
Oh shit! Klingons! They want the Genesis planet!
I think the Chekov's outfit, when they are stealing the Enterprise, is absolutely ridiculous. Only he could pull off a pink cardigan and a oversized white collar and get away with it. I think I might faint when I get to meet Keonig at HAL-CON. And orgasm at the same time. That would be an intense sensation, though there would probably be a lot of shaking involved. Speaking of orgasms, (great bridge I know) am I the only one who find the scene where Sarek mind-melds with Kirk highly erotic? It's not especially attractive, since that was starting to put on the chub at that point, but just the angry build up to the situation, the dimmed lighting and the close up shots of Sarek's mouth all scream 'SEX' to me. This coming from the person who thinks that mild-melds in general are really sexy. That might explain it.
Sweet, Pon'far scene now. Woo Vulcan hand jobs. Literally, hand jobs.
I also find it hilarious that at one point in the movie it is said that Kirk's career is passed on rationality. That made me laugh. A lot.
This Friday at 10et Space is paying a special on the new Star Trek movie, in case anyone is interesting. In the commercial, it is said that "You have never had to have watched Star Trek, ever, to love this movie" and I'm really not sure if that is encouraging or not. If it's anything like The Watchmen, I would rather that they catered to the knowledgeable crowd then the general crowd. I know that it's selfish and that they need to make money blah blah blah, but really, Trekkies are not people that you want to piss off. We've all learned never to trust Lucas again (especially after the Clone Wars movie) but Roddenberry's memory should not be tainted. Oh well, it looks like it will be a success, but I will still be wary.
Ahaha those Nicorrette Inhalers that they are advertising all over the tele look like 'pearl' tampon cases. I definitely want to put those in my mouth. This is why I don't watch the tele that often.
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